They are everywhere and yet often invisible: homeless people are often ignored. Visibility is also a social indicator. Micha always stands at the same place, at the entrance of a Vienna subway station. There he wishes the passers-by a "successful day", at Christmas also "Merry Christmas". His politeness makes him stand out, he once said. This is why the filmmaker trio Birgit Bergmann, Steffi Franz and Oliver Werani make it their top priority to take a longer look. In her documentary film ZU EBENER ERDE, Micha is one of the four homeless people who have accompanied her through her daily life on the streets.
Documentary, Independent
1h 31min
They are everywhere and yet often invisible: homeless people are often ignored. Visibility is also a social indicator.
They are everywhere and yet often invisible: homeless people are often ignored. Visibility is also a social indicator.
Micha always stands at the same place, at the entrance of a Vienna subway station. There he wishes the passers-by a "successful day", at Christmas also "Merry Christmas". His politeness makes him stand out, he once said.
This is why the filmmaker trio Birgit Bergmann, Steffi Franz and Oliver Werani make it their top priority to take a longer look. In her documentary film ZU EBENER ERDE, Micha is one of the four homeless people who have accompanied her through her daily life on the streets.