This ambitious directorial debut chronicles lesbian lifestyles and social networking in Vienna in the 1950s and 60s. In those years, Vienna was a drab and traditional place. The scene - if it existed at all - was male- oriented, and the few bars where women did meet were not particularly inviting. Lesbian life was characterized by invisibility and, if anything, was criminalized. Three eyewitnesses of that era talk in an eloquently and refreshingly (self-)ironic way about what it was like to feel "different" as early as adolescence, and to find one's own identity despite social obstacles and without positive lesbian role models.
This ambitious directorial debut chronicles lesbian lifestyles and social networking in Vienna in the 1950s and 60s.
This ambitious directorial debut chronicles lesbian lifestyles and social networking in Vienna in the 1950s and 60s.
In those years, Vienna was a drab and traditional place. The scene - if it existed at all - was male- oriented, and the few bars where women did meet were not particularly inviting. Lesbian life was characterized by invisibility and, if anything, was criminalized.
Three eyewitnesses of that era talk in an eloquently and refreshingly (self-)ironic way about what it was like to feel "different" as early as adolescence, and to find one's own identity despite social obstacles and without positive lesbian role models.
Cordula Thym
Katharina Lampert