In this enchanting short film, a small fan discovers the potential for an unexpected friendship that could transform his entire existence after arriving in paradise. Fresh in the realm of possibility, he is determined to find his wife Maryline, but instead stumbles into a colorful odyssey full of unexpected encounters. Director Sveta Yuferova weaves a captivating story of self-discovery and the unpredictability of fate. With a touch of fantasy and profound humor, she brings her characters to life by giving everyday objects a soul. This world, full of visual wonders, is not only a setting for adventure, but also a mirror for the bittersweet moments of life. The jury of the FBW film rating awarded LITTLE FAN the rating “highly recommended”, recognizing the film's exceptional creativity and emotional depth. Set to nostalgically childlike melodies, this short film invites viewers to reflect on the beauty and fleeting moments of life while enjoying the playful lightness of being.
Animation, Shorts
It is an charming story about the little fan who is on a quest. But where it is most beautiful, unexpected things happen.
In this enchanting short film, a small fan discovers the potential for an unexpected friendship that could transform his entire existence after arriving in paradise. Fresh in the realm of possibility, he is determined to find his wife Maryline, but instead stumbles into a colorful odyssey full of unexpected encounters.
Director Sveta Yuferova weaves a captivating story of self-discovery and the unpredictability of fate. With a touch of fantasy and profound humor, she brings her characters to life by giving everyday objects a soul. This world, full of visual wonders, is not only a setting for adventure, but also a mirror for the bittersweet moments of life.
The jury of the FBW film rating awarded LITTLE FAN the rating “highly recommended”, recognizing the film's exceptional creativity and emotional depth. Set to nostalgically childlike melodies, this short film invites viewers to reflect on the beauty and fleeting moments of life while enjoying the playful lightness of being.