A gritty man in a grainy film: Filmmaker Arne Körner, a graduate of the Werner Herzog Rogue Film School and the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, portrays the former heavyweight boxer in this biographical short documentary. In 1972, a year before he fought against Muhammad Ali, Jürgen Blin was European Champion. Körner's lively, black-and-white 16mm portrait shows Blin playing dice and poker in his own pub and training today's talents. As we learn, the worst opponent of a man who has fought his way through life is boredom!
Jürgen Blin, who ran away from home at the age of 14 to go to sea, talks openly about his life and his years at a boxing school in Hamburg.
A gritty man in a grainy film: Filmmaker Arne Körner, a graduate of the Werner Herzog Rogue Film School and the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, portrays the former heavyweight boxer in this biographical short documentary.
In 1972, a year before he fought against Muhammad Ali, Jürgen Blin was European Champion. Körner's lively, black-and-white 16mm portrait shows Blin playing dice and poker in his own pub and training today's talents. As we learn, the worst opponent of a man who has fought his way through life is boredom!