To be Jewish in Berlin is to discover yourself eating a sandwich in what was once Hitler's office, to pass the headquarters of the SS on your way to your dentist appointment. Nirit Ben Joseph, an Israeli who has lived in Berlin for 26 years, is a "Holocaust tour guide" in the city. Her profession offers regular opportunity to consider what it means to be a Jew in Germany today. The Tour Guide raises questions questions about immigration, identity and how we address the past. Actually, director Amos Geva wanted to make a film about the Jewish-German philosopher Theodor Lessing. During his research in Berlin he met the Israeli tourist guide Nirit Ben Joseph and decided to make a film about her special role as a Jewish-Israeli migrant in Berlin.
In Berlin, traces of national socialism and Hitlers reign are everywhere, even today.
To be Jewish in Berlin is to discover yourself eating a sandwich in what was once Hitler's office, to pass the headquarters of the SS on your way to your dentist appointment.
Nirit Ben Joseph, an Israeli who has lived in Berlin for 26 years, is a "Holocaust tour guide" in the city. Her profession offers regular opportunity to consider what it means to be a Jew in Germany today. The Tour Guide raises questions questions about immigration, identity and how we address the past.
Actually, director Amos Geva wanted to make a film about the Jewish-German philosopher Theodor Lessing. During his research in Berlin he met the Israeli tourist guide Nirit Ben Joseph and decided to make a film about her special role as a Jewish-Israeli migrant in Berlin.