Seven young female criminals, led by an over-enthusiastic social worker, work off their community service hours by collecting garbage in a cursed forest. BEARKITTENS is the first German-language film made by screen acting students. A group of young women who were all in the same acting class decided to produce their own film. The result is the delightful dark comedy BEARKITTENS. Indie veterans Lars Kokemüller, Nisan Arikan and Christian Grundey were behind the camera. Seven young female criminals, led by an over-enthusiastic social worker, work off their community service hours by collecting garbage in a cursed forest and accidentally kill someone. Flashbacks tell the stories of the characters in this mix of folk-horror and teen comedy.
Seven female criminals have to work off their community service hours in a cursed forest.
Seven young female criminals, led by an over-enthusiastic social worker, work off their community service hours by collecting garbage in a cursed forest.
BEARKITTENS is the first German-language film made by screen acting students. A group of young women who were all in the same acting class decided to produce their own film. The result is the delightful dark comedy BEARKITTENS. Indie veterans Lars Kokemüller, Nisan Arikan and Christian Grundey were behind the camera.
Seven young female criminals, led by an over-enthusiastic social worker, work off their community service hours by collecting garbage in a cursed forest and accidentally kill someone. Flashbacks tell the stories of the characters in this mix of folk-horror and teen comedy.
Lars Henriks
Lisa Eschenbrenner
Virginia Roncalli
Maren Kraus
Hannah Bortz