This story follows four young people on the last night of summer - their final night of freedom before the new school year starts. The teenagers cross paths as they explore the suburban wonderland they inhabit in search of love and adventure - chasing first kisses, elusive crushes, popularity and parties. While looking for the iconic teenage experience, they discover the quiet moments that will later become a part of their youth they look back on with nostalgia. Inspired by Mitchell's experiences growing up in Michigan, THE MYTH OF THE AMERICAN SLEEPOVER is a beautifully rendered portrait of summertime adolescence and the search for human connections. The kids in Mitchell's world may be lost, a little confused and full of angst, but ultimately the kids are alright in this life-affirming, truthful and fresh take on the teen genre.
Independent, Comedy
1h 33min
On the last night of summer, 4 teenagers navigate suburban Detroit looking for love and adventure. A poignant coming-of-age drama.
This story follows four young people on the last night of summer - their final night of freedom before the new school year starts. The teenagers cross paths as they explore the suburban wonderland they inhabit in search of love and adventure - chasing first kisses, elusive crushes, popularity and parties. While looking for the iconic teenage experience, they discover the quiet moments that will later become a part of their youth they look back on with nostalgia.
Inspired by Mitchell's experiences growing up in Michigan, THE MYTH OF THE AMERICAN SLEEPOVER is a beautifully rendered portrait of summertime adolescence and the search for human connections. The kids in Mitchell's world may be lost, a little confused and full of angst, but ultimately the kids are alright in this life-affirming, truthful and fresh take on the teen genre.
Festival de Cannes
Cannes - La Semaine de la Critique
David Robert Mitchell
Jade Ramsey
Brett Jacobsen
Claire Soma
Nikita Ramsey