Meet eight courageous people who renounce agricultural conventions and farm without poisons and without destroying the environment. Listen to their stories of having to wear protective suits in the fields, of the importance of earthworms and cow horns, of silence, of wallowing pigs and of reverence for life... Experience the outstanding courage of these farmers to trust their own instincts and create a new form of agricultural. The resistance they bump up against just makes them stronger.
Documentary, Independent
1h 26min
To prevent the ecological collapse of our planet, these 8 courageous people envision a new kind of agriculture.
Meet eight courageous people who renounce agricultural conventions and farm without poisons and without destroying the environment.
Listen to their stories of having to wear protective suits in the fields, of the importance of earthworms and cow horns, of silence, of wallowing pigs and of reverence for life...
Experience the outstanding courage of these farmers to trust their own instincts and create a new form of agricultural.
The resistance they bump up against just makes them stronger.