French filmmaker David Teboul mourns the overdose death of his boyfriend Frédéric by embarking on a spiritual journey to Siberia. Out there, in the seemingly endless expanses, he finds the space to put his thoughts back in order. And in the villages he unexpectedly finds young and old people who are willing to accept his invitation and talk about events that have changed their lives. A film about life, death, love and existence. "Teboul's cautious questioning brings to light what he himself believed to be lost. His search reveals an enduring love amidst the snow-blown landscape." (
Documentary, Queer
2h 52min
In the cold and mysterious vastness of Siberia, a French filmmaker is in search of solace and healing.
French filmmaker David Teboul mourns the overdose death of his boyfriend Frédéric by embarking on a spiritual journey to Siberia.
Out there, in the seemingly endless expanses, he finds the space to put his thoughts back in order. And in the villages he unexpectedly finds young and old people who are willing to accept his invitation and talk about events that have changed their lives. A film about life, death, love and existence.
"Teboul's cautious questioning brings to light what he himself believed to be lost. His search reveals an enduring love amidst the snow-blown landscape." (