The mild-mannered Elza, played by fashion model Evgeniya Mandzhieva in her debut role, lives a modest life as a housewife and part-time piano teacher. Her husband is a boorish and uncommunicative man who is involved in some shady business deals. THE GULLS is a rarity in itself, being the first film in 25 years to have been shot in the remote Russian republic of Kalmykia - a region where smartphones and SUVs exist alongside fortune tellers and magical superstitions. "THE GULLS is a film that is easy to sink into and hints at a promising future for its director." (Filmdoo)
1h 27min
Elza lives in a small town on the Caspian Sea. While her husband catches fish illegally, she dreams of breaking out of her small world.
The mild-mannered Elza, played by fashion model Evgeniya Mandzhieva in her debut role, lives a modest life as a housewife and part-time piano teacher. Her husband is a boorish and uncommunicative man who is involved in some shady business deals.
THE GULLS is a rarity in itself, being the first film in 25 years to have been shot in the remote Russian republic of Kalmykia - a region where smartphones and SUVs exist alongside fortune tellers and magical superstitions.
"THE GULLS is a film that is easy to sink into and hints at a promising future for its director." (Filmdoo)