How can he use this voice, now that he has an audience around the world? How can he identify the battles to be waged? How can he become a "Citizen Nobel"? The 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which he received for developing cryo-electron microscopy along with two other laureates, changed Jacques Dubochet's life. People recognize him on the street and approach him. When he hears a speech by Greta Thunberg, the reclusive chemistry professor is so moved that he decides to support climate youth. "CITIZEN NOBEL is a touching and sincere 'feel-good movie' that shows the vulnerable side of success and the desperate search for meaning of a man who never stopped fighting." (Cineuropa)
1h 39min
In 2017, Jacques Dubochet won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, making him famous overnight. He decides to use his new fame for something good.
How can he use this voice, now that he has an audience around the world? How can he identify the battles to be waged? How can he become a "Citizen Nobel"?
The 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which he received for developing cryo-electron microscopy along with two other laureates, changed Jacques Dubochet's life. People recognize him on the street and approach him.
When he hears a speech by Greta Thunberg, the reclusive chemistry professor is so moved that he decides to support climate youth.
"CITIZEN NOBEL is a touching and sincere 'feel-good movie' that shows the vulnerable side of success and the desperate search for meaning of a man who never stopped fighting." (Cineuropa)