Launched on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, the European Space Agency's "Beyond" mission aims to advance the exploration of space, focusing on the Moon and Mars. The documentary series provides a personal and in-depth look at the lives of the astronauts who embark on these space missions. It features Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano, who leads the "Beyond" mission as the commander of the International Space Station. The series also explores the astronauts' dedication to the progress of mankind, leaving their families and friends behind, renouncing comfort, and exposing themselves to microgravity. At the same time, SPACE BEYOND raises questions about the shared view of Earth and the so-called "overview effect" that unites the astronauts. To what extent does the experience of space change them, and what insights can we draw from this experience? The series provides a visually powerful portrait of the beauty of Earth and the magnificence of the Cosmos through photographs, archive footage, and interviews. It was made possible through the cooperation between ESA, NASA, Roscosmos and IBM.
Episode 1
The mission begins! Commander Luca Parmitano and his crew arrive at the ISS.
Episode 2
A room tour of the ISS including the breathtaking view out the 360° cupola.
Episode 3
The crew tests a robot and AI on the ISS.
Episode 4
Due to an unplanned repair, the crew writes history with the first all-female space walk.
Episode 5
The astronauts explain everything there is to know about Extra Vehicular Activities.
Episode 6
After the succesful end of the mission, Commander Luca and his crew return home.