An impressive directorial debut, the film tells the story of Malika, who, after the death of her younger brother in a police operation, begins a legal battle to force a court hearing. However, her quest for justice endangers the stability of her family and presents her with difficult decisions. Her brother, only 25 years old, was the victim of a brutal police operation that was officially declared an epileptic seizure, but the injuries to his body tell a different story. In her fight for justice, Malika faces the daunting task of confronting a seemingly insurmountable police and judicial wall. The film, which delves deeply into the emotional and social fabric of a family publicly mourning their loss, shows Malika's determined path through the legal thicket and media attention. Supported by an experienced lawyer and a media-savvy consultant, the family faces a nerve-wracking challenge. Malika, played by Camélia Jordana in an intense performance, must master her role as a spokesperson and activist while also trying to balance her business and her marriage. AFTER THE FIRE is not only a political thriller, but also an intimate portrait of the pain of a family that must decide whether their private grief should be transformed into a public political message. The film has been praised by critics for its powerful portrayal and sensitive handling of a highly topical and explosive issue. Mehdi Fikri's direction is characterized by a masterful narrative structure and visually appealing staging that draws the viewer deeply into the complex and often painful realities of the characters.
Following the death of her younger brother during a police intervention, Malika embarks on a legal battle to ensure a trial takes place.
An impressive directorial debut, the film tells the story of Malika, who, after the death of her younger brother in a police operation, begins a legal battle to force a court hearing. However, her quest for justice endangers the stability of her family and presents her with difficult decisions.
Her brother, only 25 years old, was the victim of a brutal police operation that was officially declared an epileptic seizure, but the injuries to his body tell a different story. In her fight for justice, Malika faces the daunting task of confronting a seemingly insurmountable police and judicial wall.
The film, which delves deeply into the emotional and social fabric of a family publicly mourning their loss, shows Malika's determined path through the legal thicket and media attention. Supported by an experienced lawyer and a media-savvy consultant, the family faces a nerve-wracking challenge. Malika, played by Camélia Jordana in an intense performance, must master her role as a spokesperson and activist while also trying to balance her business and her marriage.
AFTER THE FIRE is not only a political thriller, but also an intimate portrait of the pain of a family that must decide whether their private grief should be transformed into a public political message. The film has been praised by critics for its powerful portrayal and sensitive handling of a highly topical and explosive issue. Mehdi Fikri's direction is characterized by a masterful narrative structure and visually appealing staging that draws the viewer deeply into the complex and often painful realities of the characters.