Documentary, Independent
An integration course teaches people the finer points of Viennese culture in Chinese, Arabic, Russian and German.
Props play a crucial role in every movie, yet they are rarely consciously noticed - the big and small things on the set.
Somewhere in the Monchique mountains of Portugal, the Fridayhappiness Associação balances sustainable living with their economic lifeline.
The tragic story of an artist who was torn between passion and obsession and died under mysterious circumstances.
About the missing and the found. About the silent and the roaring. About cuddling and sneezing. Six stories about fathers.
In the heart of Berlin, a GDR ruin is given a new lease on life and becomes a center for art, culture and community.
Documentary, Queer
Romy Haag, Rosa von Praunheim, Ades Zabel and Udo Walz talk about their fascination with the dream destination West Berlin.
Three solo entertainers share a passion for entertaining. For them, it is not just a profession, but a vocation to which they subordinate everything.
After England and Wales, Rüdiger Sünner explores the spiritual side of Scotland's breathtaking landscapes in the second part of his trilogy.
Documentary, Comedy
The German Angst of the unknown - a reluctant dialogue.
To live inclusion and not just to play it is the declared goal of the Theater Rambazamba from Berlin.
Looking to breathe new life into the sport of rugby in Germany, a man has launched an inclusive rugby team.
A chance examination delivers the frightening diagnosis of brain aneurysm. The director himself documents the months leading up to the operation.
Biography, Documentary
A feverish Schlingensief documentary by Bettina Böhler, a renowned editor, portraying this exceptional artist in his full range.
In a former German coal region, a mine gives way to a ghost train, including undead miners.
In Stammheim, right next to the old RAF prison, an educational center for future correctional officers is located next to the prison wall.
A new start to a better life? Forty Germans on welfare fly to Mallorca to do internships.
Self-determination, women's rights, taboos: ME TIME focuses on child-free life and expectations of mothers.
During the final prayer of the German Catholic Bishops' Conference in 1991, one of the most spectacular protest actions takes place.
What sounds like a case study from "The Drama of the Gifted Child" is the true story of the son of famed psychologist Alice Miller.
Poetic film essay which conveys a sense of the lived spirituality of the British Isles.
A striking documentary by renowned photojournalist David Klammer about protesters fighting to stop the clear-cutting at the Dannenröder Forest.
A compelling exploration of the complexities of American life, history, and society through the lens of the unique and fascinating sport drag racing.
Ahmet, a champion boxer and professional soldier, starts taking acting lessons. On stage he comes face to face with his own internal battles.
Discover the hidden world of the former meat factory in Vienna's Sonnwendviertel through the lens of filmmaker Dariusz Kowalski.
Johanna Dohnal, icon of the Austrian women's movement and first Minister for Women's Affairs, shaped the Alpine Republic like hardly any other.
The portrait of an artist who in all his art and with his whole being questioned the existing social system.
The theologian, feminist, and mystic Dorothee Sölle argued that theology is necessarily political.
Many people are familiar with Waldorf schools, but few are aware of the life and work of Rudolf Steiner, who in 1919 established them.
In an age of ever-increasing scientific knowledge, why do more and more people prefer to adopt alternative lifestyles?
Already in 18th century Germany, early Romanticism developed a spiritual worldview that many today seek in Far Eastern spirituality.
This black and white film portrays the life and stories of a village on the Russian-Ukrainian border, combining elements of fiction and documentary.
Documentary, Drama
Milena Czernovsky and Lilith Kraxner's debut blurs the line between documentary and fiction filmmaking, joining a recent trend in the film industry.
This documentary portrays women who embark on a sea voyage thus challenging traditional gender roles just by being there.
This travel diary describes the journey of the painter Paul Klee in Egypt between 1928 and 1929 through his letters and his paintings.
This film illuminates the poetic-mystical side of Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the UN Blue Helmet missions Dag Hammarskjöld.
A cinematic journey into the biography of the psychiatrist C. G. Jung (1875−1961) and into his powerful world of myths, dreams and symbols.
Spiritual travel documentary to the "sacred places" of Ireland and numerous sanctuaries that date back to Celtic times.
Documentary, Music, Dance, Theater
What God did Bach believe in and what was the nature of his spirituality? Did it transcend the confines of his Protestant upbringing?
The film BLACK SUN illuminates the importance of myths and occult beliefs in the ideology of the "Third Reich".
Rainer Maria Rilke was not only one of the greatest German poets, but also a spiritual seeker who walked his very own path.
The film clarifies - according to Claude Lévi-Strauss - the "wild thinking" of indigenous cultures based on masks, cult objects, and rituals.
Young people from the former border region use smartphones to film stories from their personal environment about the topic of German division.
Victims of the repressive system in the former East German state give powerful testimony about the cruetly of the dehumanizing regime.
Contemporary witnesses from several European countries provide impressive insights into how the Iron Curtain shaped life across the continent.
Survivors can also be victims in countries where injustice was the norm. Their compelling testimonies are featured in this insightful documentary.
Is homeopathy a hoax or medicine? Here, homeopaths are allowed to share their very different views.
Parov Stelar, is regarded as the founder of electro swing. His unique sound has been conquering concert halls around the world for more than 15 years.
Globalization, and rural exodus: despite a gloomy outlook, the people still living in Aracà , a small Italian village, are bravely facing the future.
A magical film about the mysteries of childhood and an old custom: In the village of MANSFELD, the ritual banishment of the old takes place every year
Roland Klick is a film history legend. He made movies with Mario Adorf and Dennis Hopper, then mysteriously faded away after only six films.
Documentary, Icons & Media Art
PARABETON shows in chronological sequence 17 buildings by the Italian engineer and architect Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979) in Italy and France.
Ghadir, Mohamad and their five children never wanted to leave their homeland Syria. Now they are in Germany. The new beginning is not easy.
To pay for his children's education, Sierra Leonean farmer Alimamy is taking a gamble: he wants to sell the entire cassava harvest at the next market.
Through Skype and online chat rooms, a Vietnamese couple, Bay and Tam, create their own virtual version of Vietnam in their Munich apartment.
After more than 50 years of bloody civil war, the peace process in Colombia began in 2016, with an uncertain outcome.
Documentary, Shorts
Hanan fled with her family from northern Iraq across the Mediterranean Sea. At that time, she did not know how to swim. She now overcomes the trauma.
Friends and colleagues reminisce about the controversial actor Volker Spengler, who was dubbed the "Downfall of the West".
A European theater director wants to stage a play about revolution in Burkina Faso and gets caught up in a real revolution.
The shocking story of the sea rescue ship Lifeline, which was denied entry to a safe port for months.
Can a documentary depict reality? Should it even try? Constanze Ruhm examines how reality and the construction of reality are different.
A war crime was committed in their home village and consistently hushed up. The two brothers search for clues leaves us stunned and angry.
The statements of former inmates of the Hohenschönhausen Stasi prison and former Stasi employees are contrasted here.
This film places acts of resistance against National Socialism and current struggles in a historical continuity.
A Delhi woman's rocky road to her own cab license.
9 LIVES portrays the fate of young people who decided at the age of 11, 12 or 13 to leave home and to live on the streets.
Housing is a human right. How can we guarantee housing in the increasingly difficult real estate markets in Europe's major cities?
A personal travelogue by Berlin-based director Thomas Arslan about a journey through Turkey.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder has never been shown with such openness and introspection.
As a pioneer of the Fluxus movement she revolutionized the concept of art and made history with contemporaries Karlheinz Stockhausen and John Cage.
At the age of 12 Maya starting losing her hair. Within a few weeks she was completely bald. The diagnosis: Alopecia areata.
Five years after the fall of the Taliban in Afghanistan the country's future was uncertain but buoyed by cautious optimism.
A film about victory and defeat, on the chessboard and in life, and a cinematographic reflection on the struggle for female self-determination.
Documentary, Love & Sex
Tinder users in Berlin talk openly and honestly and about real-life encounters, both the good and the bad, with dates made using the famous dating app
Sex is the most beautiful thing in the world. But talking about it without straying into lasciviousness or becoming inhibited remains tricky.
Gay left-wing activist and disaster relief volunteer Ortwin Passon navigates between a military-like bourgeois world and wild sex parties.
Elfie Semotan, known for her sophisticated visual arrangements, is considered the "grande dame" of Austrian photography.
Wax portraits of an unknown woman are the focus of this medical-historical thriller which turns rigid 18th century role models on its head.
This film immerses us directly into the daily lives of three women who are trapped in violent, abusive relationships.
Germany's only trans* pastor.
An ex-Salafist and an ex-Neo-Nazi confront their past. Dominic Schmitz and Felix Benneckenstein were trapped in an ideology for years.
This documentary tells the incredibly shocking story of how a Nazi officer became a top politician and UN Secretary General.
Shot on Super 8mm, Bernadette Weigel's homage to traveling celebrates the uniqueness of each moment.
Daniel Spoerri is one of the most important representatives of object art, co-founder of the artist group Nouveau Réalisme and inventor of Eat-Art.
In the summer of 2017, 6,000 neo-Nazis from all over Europe gathered in Themar for the largest right-wing rock concert of the German post war era.
At the Julie-Roger-Haus in Frankfurt am Main, a care facility for seniors of all sexual orientations, "grandpa is finally allowed to be gay" (FAZ).
This moving portrait of a maternity hospital in Vienna provides a fascinating insight into the drama, pain, and beauty of being born into this world.
This ambitious directorial debut chronicles lesbian lifestyles and social networking in Vienna in the 1950s and 60s.
When night falls and the last rays of sunlight fade, the people in this film start their workday.
Anja Salomonowitz portrays three women from her family who as children lived through WWII but whose memories of that time diverge.
Unemployment... Helmut and Sieglinde are over fifty and already considered unemployable. What about young people trying to find work?
The second largest film industry in the world is called Nollywood and is based in Lagos, Nigeria.
Who are the (presumably) Eastern European panhandlers working the streets? Filmmaker Ulli Gladik finds out.
Filmmaker Erik Lemke (BERLIN EXCELSIOR) portrays his great-aunt Evelin: she was born a man, in a country that no longer exists.
Follow Jörg Meuthen, candidate for Germany's right-wing party AFD, on his election tour 2016.
To prevent the ecological collapse of our planet, these 8 courageous people envision a new kind of agriculture.
In northern Syria, an anti-hierarchical, multi-ethnic model of democracy was launched in the Rojava region under the leadership of the Kurds.
A warm-hearted yet stylistically radical film portrait in black and white and color about Edgar Reitz and his encounter with a young female filmmaker.
Iris P. was an undercover investigator who maintained close friendships and had intimate relationships with the people she spied on.
Max "Adlersson" Herzberg from Dresden, 20 years old, has over 300,000 subscriptions on YouTube and reviews knives and gangsta rap fan boxes.