The film follows various women who strive for medical and social reproductive freedoms and premiered at the International Queer Film Festival Hamburg. While Germany wrestles with abortion laws from the Nazi era, migrant women in this country often struggle with the law and the health care system for their own sexual self-determination. The filmmakers create a condensed setting with four women. One wants a child through artificial insemination, the other wants an abortion, the third wants to become a surrogate mother. On the other side is a self-described technofeminist who propagates the compatibility of work and family through reproductive medicine.
Independent, Queer
1h 3min
A position-finding exercise: where does feminism stand today in relation to reproduction?
The film follows various women who strive for medical and social reproductive freedoms and premiered at the International Queer Film Festival Hamburg.
While Germany wrestles with abortion laws from the Nazi era, migrant women in this country often struggle with the law and the health care system for their own sexual self-determination.
The filmmakers create a condensed setting with four women. One wants a child through artificial insemination, the other wants an abortion, the third wants to become a surrogate mother. On the other side is a self-described technofeminist who propagates the compatibility of work and family through reproductive medicine.