The film follows a young woman named Beatrix, played by Eva Sommer, as she spends time alone in a house whose previous tenant was older. With no context given, the film's plot revolves around the ordinariness of Beatrix's activities, from taking care of the house to feeding a stray cat. However, it is clear that Beatrix is going through something significant in her life, which is painful and transitional, although the viewer never knows what it is. The non-professional actress Sommer brings a sense of sincerity to the film, as the analogue, 16 mm cinematography by Antonia de la Luz Kašik gives the movie a sense of warmth and naturalness. The film is a particular and thought-through debut by Czernovsky and Kraxner, who have contributed to the recent blurring of the line between documentary and fiction films. "Milena Czernovsky and Lilith Kraxner, for their part, demonstrated extraordinary directorial maturity, proving perfectly capable of capturing every single nuance of their protagonist." (cinema-austriaco)
Milena Czernovsky and Lilith Kraxner's debut blurs the line between documentary and fiction filmmaking, joining a recent trend in the film industry.
The film follows a young woman named Beatrix, played by Eva Sommer, as she spends time alone in a house whose previous tenant was older. With no context given, the film's plot revolves around the ordinariness of Beatrix's activities, from taking care of the house to feeding a stray cat. However, it is clear that Beatrix is going through something significant in her life, which is painful and transitional, although the viewer never knows what it is.
The non-professional actress Sommer brings a sense of sincerity to the film, as the analogue, 16 mm cinematography by Antonia de la Luz Kašik gives the movie a sense of warmth and naturalness. The film is a particular and thought-through debut by Czernovsky and Kraxner, who have contributed to the recent blurring of the line between documentary and fiction films.
"Milena Czernovsky and Lilith Kraxner, for their part, demonstrated extraordinary directorial maturity, proving perfectly capable of capturing every single nuance of their protagonist." (cinema-austriaco)