In this enthralling series, the imaginative plots of detective fiction collide with reality in a captivating crime thriller. Lin, a burgeoning detective, delves into a death that echoes a crime from a Sherlock Holmes tale. Initially deemed a likely suicide, the case rapidly escalates into a complex murder investigation where the lines between literary fiction and terrifying reality blur. Simultaneously, Chen Wei, an avid aficionado of detective stories and the proprietor of a bookstore specializing in the genre, chases his aspirations of becoming a celebrated author. Accompanying him, a committed detective club comprised of Zhong, Wen, and Zhang, each harboring personal secrets, navigates the ambiguous boundary between fiction and reality. Chen Wei's drive to clinch a coveted literary prize unwittingly draws him into a murder investigation that Mu Chin Lin is determined to unravel, testing the bonds of friendship and trust within the club. Under the direction of Liao Shih Han, this Taiwanese crime thriller is rife with suspense and complex plot twists. As the investigation deepens, the series skillfully examines the convergence of ambition, secrecy, and the pursuit of truth. The detective club members are put under the microscope, their histories and motivations probed, while Mu Chin Lin methodically assembles a puzzle where the distinctions between the fictional and the real increasingly fade.
Episode 1
Chen Wei, the owner of the detective bookshop, becomes a witness in a murder case seemingly by chance. Prosecutor Mu Chin Lin, who has extraordinary deductive intuition, discovers a connection between her case and the bookshop.
Episode 2
Mu Chin Lin breaks into the detective bookshop. Meanwhile, Chen Wei's three friends seem to be pursuing their own plans.
Episode 3
Mu Chin Lin finds important evidence that reminds her of a crime novel.
Episode 4
The three friends have their own difficulties. Mu Chin Lin secretly investigates the case and is caught by her superior.
Episode 5
Mu Chin Lin is attacked during her investigation and another corpse with the same crime scene turns up on the beach.
Episode 6
Chen Wei has doubts about the credibility of his friends and asks Mu Chin Lin for help.
Episode 7
Chen Wei closes his bookshop without warning. And Mu Chin Lin finally has the opportunity to show off her skills.
Episode 8
Chen Wei confesses to Mu Chin Lin about his past and what might have caused the recent events.
Episode 9
Criminals want to prevent Mu Chin Lin from carrying out her investigations. A man arranges a meeting with Chen Wei with ulterior motives.
Episode 10
The truth finally comes to light, but the price is high.