In an innovative animated short, a virtual house cat becomes conscious and begins to rebel against its owner. Inspired by the classic Tamagotchi toy, the film takes a profound look at the world from the perspective of digital pets and questions the often overlooked relationship between humans and technology. The story unfolds as the cat, who has been living an existence of dependency and routine, rebels and tests the boundaries of its programmed reality. In MIISUFY, the director uses an impressive mixed technique of cut-out puppet animation and digital animation to emphasize the characteristic patterns and lively design of the characters. This technique allows for a detailed and dynamic display that vividly expresses the inner workings of the digital world. The short film is not only a visual spectacle, but also a philosophical exploration of how technology affects our emotions and relationships. With each scene depicted in rapid cuts and a vibrant color palette, viewers experience the cat's growing independence and challenges in the digital space. The film received a special jury mention at the American Film Institute's AFI Fest for its original storytelling and stunning animation, and has received international acclaim since its premiere. This film presents a significant reflection on our increasingly digital existence, inviting audiences to consider the profound questions of autonomy and freedom in an app-dominated world.
Animation, Shorts
Digital pet cat Miisu gets tired of her owner and starts to revolt. Inspired by the 90's Tamagotchi mania.
In an innovative animated short, a virtual house cat becomes conscious and begins to rebel against its owner. Inspired by the classic Tamagotchi toy, the film takes a profound look at the world from the perspective of digital pets and questions the often overlooked relationship between humans and technology.
The story unfolds as the cat, who has been living an existence of dependency and routine, rebels and tests the boundaries of its programmed reality. In MIISUFY, the director uses an impressive mixed technique of cut-out puppet animation and digital animation to emphasize the characteristic patterns and lively design of the characters. This technique allows for a detailed and dynamic display that vividly expresses the inner workings of the digital world.
The short film is not only a visual spectacle, but also a philosophical exploration of how technology affects our emotions and relationships. With each scene depicted in rapid cuts and a vibrant color palette, viewers experience the cat's growing independence and challenges in the digital space.
The film received a special jury mention at the American Film Institute's AFI Fest for its original storytelling and stunning animation, and has received international acclaim since its premiere. This film presents a significant reflection on our increasingly digital existence, inviting audiences to consider the profound questions of autonomy and freedom in an app-dominated world.