On the sparkling waters of a Finnish lake, an unexpected turn unfolds in the lives of twins Jade and Kaisa. During a seemingly relaxed rowing trip on the lake, Jade, an enthusiastic social media influencer, reveals hidden intentions that dramatically change the course of their outing. Kaisa, skeptical of technology and the influence of social media, finds herself in a conflict between the real and the digital world. The initial harmony is abruptly disturbed by the admission of a secret sponsorship agreement and the appearance of a second cell phone, leading to heated discussions and an unexpected turn of events. The rural idyll becomes the setting for a satirical comedy that questions modern dependency on digital recognition and the longing for authentic connection.
Comedy, Shorts
Twins Jade and Kaisa are going for a rowing trip. But social media influencer Jade actually has something else in mind.
On the sparkling waters of a Finnish lake, an unexpected turn unfolds in the lives of twins Jade and Kaisa. During a seemingly relaxed rowing trip on the lake, Jade, an enthusiastic social media influencer, reveals hidden intentions that dramatically change the course of their outing. Kaisa, skeptical of technology and the influence of social media, finds herself in a conflict between the real and the digital world.
The initial harmony is abruptly disturbed by the admission of a secret sponsorship agreement and the appearance of a second cell phone, leading to heated discussions and an unexpected turn of events. The rural idyll becomes the setting for a satirical comedy that questions modern dependency on digital recognition and the longing for authentic connection.