NAKOM tells the story of a young man who is forced to return to his home village. As the new head of the family, he now stands between old traditions and efficient modernization. Faced with a debt that could destroy his family, Iddrisu has no choice but to turn the family farm and fortunes around. Over the course of the growing season, Iddrisu confronts both the tragedy and beauty of village life, and must finally choose between two very different futures. Staged in warm-hearted pictures, NAKOM shows the overarching conflict of many young people. The film made its debut in the Panorama Competition of the Berlinale.
After his father’s sudden death, Iddrisu, a talented medical student, returns to his home village of northern Ghana.
NAKOM tells the story of a young man who is forced to return to his home village. As the new head of the family, he now stands between old traditions and efficient modernization.
Faced with a debt that could destroy his family, Iddrisu has no choice but to turn the family farm and fortunes around. Over the course of the growing season, Iddrisu confronts both the tragedy and beauty of village life, and must finally choose between two very different futures.
Staged in warm-hearted pictures, NAKOM shows the overarching conflict of many young people. The film made its debut in the Panorama Competition of the Berlinale.