A young man enters the idyllic but secluded life of the young mother Lilli and her daughter Ilvy, who awakens Lilli's needs for passion, variety and freedom. But the inseparable bond between mother and child does not allow for intruders. Director Maria Titova studied documentary directing with Marina Razbezhkina (Harvest Time). In GLÜCKSKIND, her graduation film from the International Film School Cologne, how a young woman is torn between her role as a mother and the desire for self-realization.
When a young man enters the idyllic but secluded life of the mother Lilli and her daughter Ilvy, the bond between mother and child is threatened.
A young man enters the idyllic but secluded life of the young mother Lilli and her daughter Ilvy, who awakens Lilli's needs for passion, variety and freedom.
But the inseparable bond between mother and child does not allow for intruders.
Director Maria Titova studied documentary directing with Marina Razbezhkina (Harvest Time). In GLÜCKSKIND, her graduation film from the International Film School Cologne, how a young woman is torn between her role as a mother and the desire for self-realization.