Theo and Mona, together with his daughter Hanna from his first marriage, lead a seemingly idyllic life on the outskirts of Berlin. Theo found support with his current partner after the death of his first wife, who was Mona's sister. Mona herself has been disabled since an accident, which is why she numbs herself with medication and alcohol. When Alina, the daughter of one of Mona's friends, temporarily moves in with the family, the shaky construct collapses. Theo takes refuge in romantic fantasies with the young Alina. The more Theo blossoms, the more Mona slips into a deep depression. Theo's pubescent daughter Hanna is the only one who recognizes the seriousness of the situation and stands helplessly by as her stepmother Mona drifts ever closer to the abyss. For producer, co-writer and leading actress Eva Habermann, THE TRUE BEAUTY was a special project: "For me, it was a matter of the heart to make a film about the subject of depression. I know what I'm talking about, because I've been through this illness myself".
Authentic, honest drama about a family threatened by the downward spiral of depression, alcoholism and jealousy.
Theo and Mona, together with his daughter Hanna from his first marriage, lead a seemingly idyllic life on the outskirts of Berlin. Theo found support with his current partner after the death of his first wife, who was Mona's sister. Mona herself has been disabled since an accident, which is why she numbs herself with medication and alcohol.
When Alina, the daughter of one of Mona's friends, temporarily moves in with the family, the shaky construct collapses. Theo takes refuge in romantic fantasies with the young Alina. The more Theo blossoms, the more Mona slips into a deep depression. Theo's pubescent daughter Hanna is the only one who recognizes the seriousness of the situation and stands helplessly by as her stepmother Mona drifts ever closer to the abyss.
For producer, co-writer and leading actress Eva Habermann, THE TRUE BEAUTY was a special project: "For me, it was a matter of the heart to make a film about the subject of depression. I know what I'm talking about, because I've been through this illness myself".
Krishna Ashu Bhati
Eva Habermann
Caroline Hartig
Simon Böer
Marcus Grüsser
Wolfgang S. Zechmayer