Ben, a night guard with a tumultuous past, embarks on a chilling odyssey of survival and past hauntings, through the corridors of a seemingly mundane warehouse, turned crucible. Aiming for a fresh start away from the shadows of his history, Ben's life takes an unforeseen turn when three intruders break into his sanctuary under the cloak of darkness. As the night unfolds, the warehouse transforms into a maze of deception and danger, revealing that the intruders might be entwined with Ben's former life, making every decision a gamble between life and death. Crafted with a palpable tension that grips from the onset, the film explores themes of redemption, the inescapable nature of the past, and the pursuit of a second chance amidst chaos. Director Falko Jakobs manages to craft a narrative that is both intimate and expansive, focusing on the raw human emotions and the sheer will to survive against odds that seem insurmountable. With a budget that belies its cinematic quality, ALL THROUGH THE HALL stands testament to the power of indie filmmaking, earning accolades across the festival circuit for its ingenious storytelling and compelling character arcs. As Ben navigates the treacherous game set by the night's events, the viewers are taken on a psychological rollercoaster, questioning the very nature of guilt and redemption. The warehouse, with its endless halls and dark corners, serves as the perfect backdrop for this cat-and-mouse thriller, amplifying the suspense and the claustrophobic fight for survival. In the end, ALL THROUGH THE HALL is not just a story of crime and retribution; it is a poignant exploration of human resilience and the indomitable spirit to carve out light in the darkest of places.
Ben, a night watchman with a troubled past, struggles to survive in a warehouse when three intruders challenge his routine.
Ben, a night guard with a tumultuous past, embarks on a chilling odyssey of survival and past hauntings, through the corridors of a seemingly mundane warehouse, turned crucible. Aiming for a fresh start away from the shadows of his history, Ben's life takes an unforeseen turn when three intruders break into his sanctuary under the cloak of darkness. As the night unfolds, the warehouse transforms into a maze of deception and danger, revealing that the intruders might be entwined with Ben's former life, making every decision a gamble between life and death.
Crafted with a palpable tension that grips from the onset, the film explores themes of redemption, the inescapable nature of the past, and the pursuit of a second chance amidst chaos. Director Falko Jakobs manages to craft a narrative that is both intimate and expansive, focusing on the raw human emotions and the sheer will to survive against odds that seem insurmountable. With a budget that belies its cinematic quality, ALL THROUGH THE HALL stands testament to the power of indie filmmaking, earning accolades across the festival circuit for its ingenious storytelling and compelling character arcs.
As Ben navigates the treacherous game set by the night's events, the viewers are taken on a psychological rollercoaster, questioning the very nature of guilt and redemption. The warehouse, with its endless halls and dark corners, serves as the perfect backdrop for this cat-and-mouse thriller, amplifying the suspense and the claustrophobic fight for survival. In the end, ALL THROUGH THE HALL is not just a story of crime and retribution; it is a poignant exploration of human resilience and the indomitable spirit to carve out light in the darkest of places.