This environmental documentary by young, Berlin based filmmaker Philipp von Becker looks at the various issues surrounding the so-called 'energy shift' to green power in Germany. Wind power is a preferred energy source. As a result, ever-increasing numbers of wind turbines are built across the country, casting an expanding mark on previously unspoilt landscapes. In the countryside, the construction of wind parks faces huge opposition - especially if the plants are built in forests. By examining the controversy over wind farms in the forests of central Germany, the film poses fundamental questions: How does renewable energy, which should protect nature, paradoxically threaten it?
After the catastrophic events in Fukushima, the transition to renewable energy was placed firmly on the political agenda in Germany.
This environmental documentary by young, Berlin based filmmaker Philipp von Becker looks at the various issues surrounding the so-called 'energy shift' to green power in Germany.
Wind power is a preferred energy source. As a result, ever-increasing numbers of wind turbines are built across the country, casting an expanding mark on previously unspoilt landscapes. In the countryside, the construction of wind parks faces huge opposition - especially if the plants are built in forests. By examining the controversy over wind farms in the forests of central Germany, the film poses fundamental questions: How does renewable energy, which should protect nature, paradoxically threaten it?