In Jasmin Baumgartner's short film, three young actors take part in an experimental play called 'Youth Sucks' at the Vienna Theater. The situation quickly becomes explosive. The main actor is supposed to improvise a monologue that comes across as left-liberal self-abuse of a politically impotent young generation pretending to care about the world. While the ensemble members Dany (Jasna Fritzi Bauer) and Patrick (Dominik Brauweiler) perform appropriately with emotion and expression, Jasper (Daniel Sträßer) can't summon up the necessary seriousness for self-chastisement. Again and again, he bursts out in sarcastic laughter and provokes the director with spontaneous ideas like waving a gun around. "You'll never be an actor. You just don't feel anything," is the director's damning verdict.
Three young actors are rehearsing a play called 'Youth is Shit' at the Vienna Theater Experiment. The situation quickly becomes explosive.
In Jasmin Baumgartner's short film, three young actors take part in an experimental play called 'Youth Sucks' at the Vienna Theater. The situation quickly becomes explosive.
The main actor is supposed to improvise a monologue that comes across as left-liberal self-abuse of a politically impotent young generation pretending to care about the world. While the ensemble members Dany (Jasna Fritzi Bauer) and Patrick (Dominik Brauweiler) perform appropriately with emotion and expression, Jasper (Daniel Sträßer) can't summon up the necessary seriousness for self-chastisement. Again and again, he bursts out in sarcastic laughter and provokes the director with spontaneous ideas like waving a gun around. "You'll never be an actor. You just don't feel anything," is the director's damning verdict.