This unique architectural documentary shows both the apartment's interior, with its art posters, dishes strewn across the kitchen table and leafy plants as signifiers of a non-conformist lifestyle, as well as views of the courtyard and street. The studio's inhabitant remains unseen but is present through the point of view cinematography. The International Building Exhibition (IBA) awarded the film its prize for its creative use of cinema in exploring urban space and lifestyle. The short experimental film conveys a strong sense of inner and outer spaces.
A rhythmic, subjective short documentary by Maren-Kea Freese about life in a West Berlin boho studio apartment in the 1980's.
This unique architectural documentary shows both the apartment's interior, with its art posters, dishes strewn across the kitchen table and leafy plants as signifiers of a non-conformist lifestyle, as well as views of the courtyard and street. The studio's inhabitant remains unseen but is present through the point of view cinematography.
The International Building Exhibition (IBA) awarded the film its prize for its creative use of cinema in exploring urban space and lifestyle. The short experimental film conveys a strong sense of inner and outer spaces.
Maren-Kea Freese