THE WHEEL, originally conceived as a dance performance, was developed by Sara Fortune and Daniela Lucato into a short film that combines philosophy and dance. Daniela Lucato, dancer, actress and producer, directed and conceived the choreography. The screenplay by Sara Fortuna, a language philosopher exploring the origins of language and body perception, is inspired by Lars von Trier's Dogville. The wheel, as a real object in the center of the stage, creates a purely symbolic conceptual space in the filmic adaptation. The performance goes through a circular process of change, from preexistence, birth and childhood, to entering the adult world.
A dance film blending philosophy, exploring life's cycles through an inspired adaptation of Dogville's themes by Sara Fortuna and Daniela Lucato.
THE WHEEL, originally conceived as a dance performance, was developed by Sara Fortune and Daniela Lucato into a short film that combines philosophy and dance.
Daniela Lucato, dancer, actress and producer, directed and conceived the choreography. The screenplay by Sara Fortuna, a language philosopher exploring the origins of language and body perception, is inspired by Lars von Trier's Dogville.
The wheel, as a real object in the center of the stage, creates a purely symbolic conceptual space in the filmic adaptation. The performance goes through a circular process of change, from preexistence, birth and childhood, to entering the adult world.