In her first full-length fiction film, filmmaker Julia Ostertag creates a cinematic parallel universe, an odyssey through a doomsday scenario on the brink of apocalypse. In search of her lost memories, Saila moves through a hermetically sealed area whose laws are only slowly revealed. She encounters a world dominated by violence, a society at the brink of apocalypse where everyone is fighting for survival.
Filmmaker Julia Ostertag creates a cinematic parallel universe, an odyssey through a doomsday scenario on the brink of apocalypse.
In her first full-length fiction film, filmmaker Julia Ostertag creates a cinematic parallel universe, an odyssey through a doomsday scenario on the brink of apocalypse.
In search of her lost memories, Saila moves through a hermetically sealed area whose laws are only slowly revealed. She encounters a world dominated by violence, a society at the brink of apocalypse where everyone is fighting for survival.