Inspired by "Moulin Rouge" and "Beauty and the Beast," this LGBTQ musical centers on the young sex worker Javi and his search for love and happiness. Javi is a young male sexworker in Madrid who wants to work at the wonderful and magical gay club Sauna Popular. But Asun, the owner, uses the business for hidden purposes... Javi’s arrival unleashes a lot of strange events in the sauna, making things harder for Asun. Meanwhile, a strange man living in the air ducts falls in love with the boy. The young rent boy, his "phantom" lover, and the owner of the club are wrapped in a story marked by lust, love and death.
This LGBTQ musical revolves around Javi, a young sex worker, and his quest for love and happiness.
Inspired by "Moulin Rouge" and "Beauty and the Beast," this LGBTQ musical centers on the young sex worker Javi and his search for love and happiness.
Javi is a young male sexworker in Madrid who wants to work at the wonderful and magical gay club Sauna Popular. But Asun, the owner, uses the business for hidden purposes...
Javi’s arrival unleashes a lot of strange events in the sauna, making things harder for Asun. Meanwhile, a strange man living in the air ducts falls in love with the boy.
The young rent boy, his "phantom" lover, and the owner of the club are wrapped in a story marked by lust, love and death.