This film focuses on the crimes committed along the 'Iron Curtain' on the former Czechoslovakian border. The film also looks at the expulsion of the Turkish-speaking minority from Bulgaria. Weinert focuses entirely on contemporary witnesses, whose moving testimonies he weaves into a complex picture of individual fates, which, when viewed as a whole, reveals the systematic structure of human rights violations in these countries between 1948 and 1989. The documentary was made in collaboration with the platform 'European Memory and Conscience', a non-profit international non-governmental organization dedicated to researching, documenting, raising awareness and educating about totalitarian regimes. Its project JUSTICE 2.0 aims to obtain international justice for the crimes committed by European totalitarian governments.
Contemporary witnesses from several European countries provide impressive insights into how the Iron Curtain shaped life across the continent.
This film focuses on the crimes committed along the 'Iron Curtain' on the former Czechoslovakian border. The film also looks at the expulsion of the Turkish-speaking minority from Bulgaria.
Weinert focuses entirely on contemporary witnesses, whose moving testimonies he weaves into a complex picture of individual fates, which, when viewed as a whole, reveals the systematic structure of human rights violations in these countries between 1948 and 1989.
The documentary was made in collaboration with the platform 'European Memory and Conscience', a non-profit international non-governmental organization dedicated to researching, documenting, raising awareness and educating about totalitarian regimes.
Its project JUSTICE 2.0 aims to obtain international justice for the crimes committed by European totalitarian governments.