This documentary follows Tischa "The Tigress" Thomas and her journey as she competes in bodybuilding shows in the USA and Romania, revealing the hard work and dedication that goes into achieving her dream of becoming the Number 1 bodybuilder. But Tischa's story is more than just a tale of physical transformation. "The Tigress" challenges conventional notions of femininity, and her body and appearance put her at odds with cisgender-normative society. However, Tischa embraces her unique look and the power it gives her, using it to carve out a space for herself as a model and dominatrix. She even paints her grandchild's nails with glitter nail polish, inspiring them to embrace their own muscles. In this intimate documentary, we see Tischa in all her guises, from bodybuilder to grandmother, from friend to dominatrix. She navigates a world where she faces verbal abuse, but with her unwavering strength and determination, she stands her ground. I AM THE TIGRESS is a powerful and inspiring portrait of a woman who has taken control of her life and who embodies strength and self-confidence.
1h 20min
Tischa Thomas is a 47-year-old bodybuilder who has undergone a remarkable transformation. She challenges conventional notions of femininity.
This documentary follows Tischa "The Tigress" Thomas and her journey as she competes in bodybuilding shows in the USA and Romania, revealing the hard work and dedication that goes into achieving her dream of becoming the Number 1 bodybuilder.
But Tischa's story is more than just a tale of physical transformation. "The Tigress" challenges conventional notions of femininity, and her body and appearance put her at odds with cisgender-normative society. However, Tischa embraces her unique look and the power it gives her, using it to carve out a space for herself as a model and dominatrix. She even paints her grandchild's nails with glitter nail polish, inspiring them to embrace their own muscles.
In this intimate documentary, we see Tischa in all her guises, from bodybuilder to grandmother, from friend to dominatrix. She navigates a world where she faces verbal abuse, but with her unwavering strength and determination, she stands her ground. I AM THE TIGRESS is a powerful and inspiring portrait of a woman who has taken control of her life and who embodies strength and self-confidence.