Set in Singapore during the monsoon season, WET SEASON follows Ling, a Mandarin teacher struggling with infertility and a disintegrating marriage. Directed by Anthony Chen, known for ILO ILO, the film reexamines themes of maternal instinct and youth. Ling's life intertwines with her student, Wei Lun, forming a connection that transcends a traditional teacher-student relationship. Chen's storytelling, laden with metaphorical rain, reflects Ling's internal turmoil. The film's visual narrative, avoiding clichéd depictions, mirrors the emotional landscapes of its characters. Yeo's performance, capturing Ling's complex emotional journey, is a standout, emphasizing her struggle against societal norms and personal desires. Critics praise WET SEASON for its nuanced exploration of loneliness and societal pressures. Chen's direction, complemented by Sam Care's cinematography, creates an atmospheric backdrop to this emotional drama. The film addresses generational and cultural shifts in Singapore, particularly around the Mandarin language's value, adding depth to the narrative. The film has been critically acclaimed for its intricate storytelling and resonant themes, marking Chen as a significant contemporary filmmaker. WET SEASON is a poignant reflection of human connection and the relentless pursuit of personal fulfillment amidst societal expectations.
1h 43min
In monsoon-soaked Singapore, a teacher's struggle for identity and connection unfolds through an unlikely and transformative bond.
Set in Singapore during the monsoon season, WET SEASON follows Ling, a Mandarin teacher struggling with infertility and a disintegrating marriage. Directed by Anthony Chen, known for ILO ILO, the film reexamines themes of maternal instinct and youth. Ling's life intertwines with her student, Wei Lun, forming a connection that transcends a traditional teacher-student relationship.
Chen's storytelling, laden with metaphorical rain, reflects Ling's internal turmoil. The film's visual narrative, avoiding clichéd depictions, mirrors the emotional landscapes of its characters. Yeo's performance, capturing Ling's complex emotional journey, is a standout, emphasizing her struggle against societal norms and personal desires.
Critics praise WET SEASON for its nuanced exploration of loneliness and societal pressures. Chen's direction, complemented by Sam Care's cinematography, creates an atmospheric backdrop to this emotional drama. The film addresses generational and cultural shifts in Singapore, particularly around the Mandarin language's value, adding depth to the narrative.
The film has been critically acclaimed for its intricate storytelling and resonant themes, marking Chen as a significant contemporary filmmaker. WET SEASON is a poignant reflection of human connection and the relentless pursuit of personal fulfillment amidst societal expectations.