At the center of this charming short film is a group of animal characters who experience a vibrant story inspired by folk tales. The narrative, which is based on the principle "A friend in need is a friend indeed", appeals to viewers of all ages and nationalities. The captivating animation unfolds a fable in which good values triumph over evil. Directors Nina Rybárová and Tomáš Rybár use an artistic illustration combining animation with cross-stitch embroidery, making it appealing to children and adults alike. The story revolves around a little billy goat seeking friendship in the idyllic yet treacherous setting of an island. Beginning with a harmless interaction with a little bird, the narrative develops into a test of the true meaning of friendship when a fox enters the scene. With its unique visual language and catchy narrative style, the film has won not only the hearts of the audience, but also acclaim at film festivals. It was honored at the Netherlands Film Festival and praised for its outstanding camerawork and impressive sound design. This short animated film proves that true art knows no boundaries and that genuine values are universally understood and appreciated.
Animation, Shorts
A short cross-stitched story about friendship and betrayal between a birdie, a baby goat and a fox in pixel art style.
At the center of this charming short film is a group of animal characters who experience a vibrant story inspired by folk tales. The narrative, which is based on the principle "A friend in need is a friend indeed", appeals to viewers of all ages and nationalities. The captivating animation unfolds a fable in which good values triumph over evil.
Directors Nina Rybárová and Tomáš Rybár use an artistic illustration combining animation with cross-stitch embroidery, making it appealing to children and adults alike. The story revolves around a little billy goat seeking friendship in the idyllic yet treacherous setting of an island. Beginning with a harmless interaction with a little bird, the narrative develops into a test of the true meaning of friendship when a fox enters the scene.
With its unique visual language and catchy narrative style, the film has won not only the hearts of the audience, but also acclaim at film festivals. It was honored at the Netherlands Film Festival and praised for its outstanding camerawork and impressive sound design. This short animated film proves that true art knows no boundaries and that genuine values are universally understood and appreciated.